Foods That Cause Gas and Suggestions That Can Soothe Your Digestion. Stomach and intestinal gas is a condition that we all encounter from time to time in our daily lives. It is usually directly related to the foods we eat. The reactions of our digestive system to different foods vary from person to person. Some foods are much more likely to cause gas than others. In this article, I will talk about the foods and bad habits that can cause gas, bad habits, the causes of this condition and what you can do to reduce the discomfort.
Most foods that cause gas contain components that cannot be completely digested in the intestines. These components are fermented by the bacteria in the intestines. As a result; gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide are released.
You’ll improve your digestive health by making changes to your diet or eating foods consciously. You can completely eliminate bloating, gas, and diarrhea problems by eating a low-FODMAP diet for a few weeks.
Try theFODMAP diet to learn exactly which foods cause gas and bloating for you.
List of Foods That Cause Gas🚫
Foods that cause gas usually include carbohydrates, sugars, and fibers that are difficult to digest. Here are the main food groups that have a high potential to cause gas in the stomach and intestines:
1. Legumes
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, beans and dried peas can cause gas due to the oligosaccharides they contain. These indigestible carbohydrates are fermented in the intestines, causing gas formation.
2. Cruciferous Vegetables (Brassicaceae)
Among the foods that can cause gas, special attention should be paid to vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables cause gas formation due to their high fiber and sulfur content.
3. Milk and Dairy Products
In individuals with lactose intolerance, products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are causing gas and bloating because of the fermentation process in the intestines.
4. Cereals and Whole Wheat Products
Foods high in fiber, such as whole wheat bread, barley, oats and bulgur, can create gas while being digested in the intestines.
5. Sugar Alcohols
Sugar alcohols such as xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol, found especially in packaged foods and sugar-free gums, cause gas accumulation in the intestines. Because these substances cannot be digested.
6. Fruits
Among the foods that cause gas, there are fruits such as apples, pears, plums and watermelon. They can cause gas formation due to the fructose and high fiber content they contain.
7. Soft Drinks and Alcohol
Beverages such as cola, soda, and beer can directly cause gas accumulation due to the carbon dioxide they contain.

Habits That Cause Gas in the Stomach and Intestines❌
Gas problems are not only caused by what you eat; your daily habits also important. Air swallowing, the speed at which you eat, your physical activities, and lifestyle choices directly affect the functioning of your digestive system. Here are some common habits that can increase gas formation:
> Eating Quickly
Rushing while eating can cause you to swallow too much air along with your food. This is especially common in people who have a habit of talking while eating. You should eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to facilitate the digestive process.
> Chewing Gum and Using a Straw
We constantly swallow air while chewing gum, which increases stomach gas. Similarly, consuming drinks through a straw also causes air swallowing. It would be beneficial to limit these habits.
> Consuming Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks (cola, soda, beer, etc.) cause gas to accumulate in the stomach and intestines due to the carbon dioxide they contain. Consuming too much increases the feeling of bloating and discomfort.
> Eating Right Before Bed
Eating late at night causes digestion to slow down and gas to accumulate in the intestines. After eating, you should wait at least 2-3 hours for digestion and then go to bed on an empty stomach.
> High Fibre or High Fat Diet
Fibrous foods are beneficial for digestion. However, if consumed in large amounts, they ferment in the intestines and cause gas formation. Similarly, fatty foods slow down digestion and cause bloating.
> Sedentary Lifestyle
Regular physical activity reduces gas formation by increasing bowel movements. A sedentary lifestyle causes gas accumulation and a feeling of bloating. Even a short walk after a meal can make a big difference.
> Stress and Anxiety
In stressful situations, we swallow too much air due to habits such as eating quickly or breathing deeply. Stress also affects bowel movements and causes gas accumulation.
> Inadequate Water Consumption
Not drinking enough water slows down digestion and causes the intestines to feel bloated. Drinking enough water is important to prevent gas formation, especially if you are on a high-fiber diet.

Tips to Prevent Gas & Bloating🌸
What is good for stomach and intestinal gas? You can reduce indigestion and gas formation by integrating the following recommendations into your daily life.
●Eat Slowly: Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Eating slowly reduces air swallowing and helps digestion. Try to chew your food at least 11 times.
●Reduce Your Portions: You can help your intestines adapt by consuming small amounts of gas-producing foods. Limit carbonated drinks.
●Don’t Chew Gum: Chewing gum causes you to swallow air and increase your stomach acid.
●Use Spices: Spices such as ginger, mint and cumin reduce gas formation. Alternatively, you can add 5-7 drops of cumin oil to a glass of water and drink it after meals.
●Try Lactose-Free Alternatives: You can choose lactose-free options to prevent gas caused by dairy products.
●Use Probiotics: You can benefit from foods containing probiotics or probiotic supplements to support the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. Yogurt, kefir and pickles are natural probiotic foods.
●Exercise: Support bowel movements by doing regular exercise. You will see that even a short walk after dinner will ease your digestion.
●Reduce Stress: To reduce stress, you must first stay away from stressful environments. If you cannot do this, try breathing exercises. You can also reduce your stress level by adding new routines to your daily life.
●Drink Water: Don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
Since everyone’s digestive system is different, you’ll need to discover the foods that make you gas through trial and error. Your body may also be sensitive to foods other than the ones I’ve listed. You can also follow the FODMAP diet to learn exactly which foods cause bloating and gas.Once you learn which foods you are more sensitive to, you can feel relief in a short time. Staying away from these foods or consuming them in small amounts will increase your quality of life immediately.
Remember, a healthy digestive system is critical to your overall health. You can improve your digestive health by making small changes to your diet or by being more mindful of certain foods.
Dietitian S. M. Erturhan